Toothpaste, cosmetics...and a razor?! What?! Since when do I need a razor? Hello, alopecia universalis.
Apparently, my body is a little wishy washy when it comes to my hair, as is the case with all alopecia alumni. After being totally and completely without hair for years, minus a little peach fuzz on my face, I am suddenly finding sprouts in highly undesirable places. My body can't grow hair on my head or give me eyelashes. Oh no. Instead, my body is functioning properly on my chinny-chin-chin and (worse yet)under my arms.
Why, of all the irritating....
"But", some people excitedly tell me, "this means your hair is starting to grow back! You should be grateful!"
First of all, this does not mean my hair is growing back. Sufferers of alopecia universalis learn to hold hair lightly. It may come, but it will almost definitely go again.
Second, I don't know any woman who is excited about hair under her arms. Having no hair anywhere else does not induce me to jump for joy when I see hair in the only places it was worth losing it in!
When I first saw the little black hairs while I was getting ready for a day at the beach, I grabbed the nearest pair of tweezers and just went nuts. Finally though, I had to break down and buy a razor. I know I'm just succumbing to socially-assigned rules of feminine hygiene, but I just can't go around with hair under my arms when I don't have it on my head. That's crossing the line for me.
So, shaving has once again become part of my daily routine. (Well, weekly maybe.) I lost THE best perk that came with losing all my hair. The only good news is that, if I wait a couple years, it will probably all fall out again.
Little changes in our daily routine! We get smacked in the face often with changes, such as this for you, Sweetie! I've watched you in this struggle of lost hair and can honestly say I believe you look wonderful - so many could NOT have pulled this off. As for other places now wanting to sprout a little,,, yea = that's probably strange for you. But in some country's, and in hippiesville, it's IN. So maybe just enjoy the day and not even bother with shavers and such. LOL I love the woman you are and all that is about YOU.