I began this blog as a way to redefine, or perhaps rediscover, the beauty of ME after losing all my hair to alopecia universalis over 5 years ago. Join me in the movement to see ourselves and our world through a lens not offered by our culture.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Unveiling

Well, I did it. The Great Bald Photo Shoot. I just got my pictures yesterday.

Wow, was it hard to pop that disc in my computer. I was so nervous that I wouldn't like the pictures.

And honestly, I didn't.

At least not at first. I was having a rough night anyway, getting irritated at every little thing at home and not feeling very lovable. On an impulse, I decided to look my pictures. Wouldn't you know, the first image that opened made me cry.

I hated it. I hated seeing the color and shape of my bald head, my funny mouth, everything. I kept scrolling through and every picture made me go deeper and deeper into my pity pool.

I guess I had some kind of image already in my mind of what I thought I looked like the day of the shoot. And the pictures were not what I was hoping for. I was hoping I would gasp and say "Wow, I'm beautiful!".

I did gasp, but it was more of a "so THAT'S what I look like?", horrified and embarrassed kind of a gasp.

But then I found a picture I liked.

With hope, I kept scrolling through. By the end, I was happy with what I saw, more or less. So I decided to start from the beginning again and delete the ones I didn't like.

Funny thing was, the pictures looked so much better the second time around!

Some switch had been flipped in my head. Instead of being prepared to hate them, I had found beauty and was prepared to like what I saw.

So then I invited my husband in to see. And I found myself hating them again.

The pictures didn't change--only my paradigm did. With my husband in the room, I was imagining all the ways these photos didn't quite do enough for him. I was aware of the fact that he sees my bald head all the time, so it was nothing special. I saw all the flaws, freckles, and irregularities in the pictures.

Our minds are so powerful. They are filters that color and warp everything we see. I literally looked through my album three times, with three totally different perceptions of myself each time.

So I realize that I had unrealistic expectations from this shoot. I was imagining a total revelation of how beautiful my bald head really is. As it turns out, I'm still me in the pictures. I'm not a more glamorous me, I'm the me I see every day. The camera didn't hide my crooked nose, freckles, white head, or gummy smile.

But I took the step to sit and look at 150 pictures of myself bald. And I'm sharing them. This is a huge step. And I think it will lead, eventually, to me redefining my own idea of what beautiful looks like on me.

Find more photos like this on Alopecia World


  1. Wendy these are wonderful. I love the ones by the water. I'm very glad you posted these photos.

  2. Wow. These are so great! I really love them - you look like yourself, which is really great. Your personality shines through them. I hope that makes sense. Gorgeous!

  3. and these words everyone speaks are true and from the heart - - don't think we are only saying these things to make you feel better. I hear what you're saying about looking the first time & not liking, but remember those pic's I took many years ago? I did the same thing... I'd look and say "Oh, that's what I look like - not as good as I'd hoped." We are always our harshest critic. You are a blessed woman - beauty inside & out. Many people aren't.... and I thank God for the woman my little girl has become.

  4. wow, you are so wonderful. I quite understand your feeling as you described, but you are definetly more than what you look outside. You are an excellent teacher,you are a good friend, you are warmhearted person...To be honest, all the pictures are sweet. I think that means your beauty are both inside and outside.:):):)

  5. You look radiant! Thanks for sharing these. They are beautiful. Love that sea green scarf.

  6. Alissa's a dear friend of mine who also happened to shoot my and my partner's wedding. She's got a knack for capturing the beauty in ourselves that we often struggle to see. Thanks for sharing this friend. You are beautiful.
