The Big Switch.
That day when I decide the weather has gotten warm enough to dig my shorts and tank tops out of storage and pack away my sweaters and down jackets. A day which, incidentally, I always regret a week later when the temperature has dropped back down to sweater weather.
Regardless, I love this day. Not as much as I love getting my sweaters back out in the fall though--just a personal preference. But I love the springtime switch too, because it brings with it a freshness that promises new beginnings and long days. I find bright colors that, like me, have been sleeping all winter. I get to wake up, finding energy in bright pinks, oranges and blues.
And inevitably I find shorts that I wore last year but suddenly look like they came straight from 1992. I find blouses that I hang in my closet every year and have, to my sudden realization this year, only worn once. I find skirts that look too frumpy this year, scarves that inexplicably don't match anything in my wardrobe, and dresses that I find myself embarrassed to recall wearing last summer for a number of reasons.
These clothes get (finally) tossed in the donation bag. Some of these items have nearly ended up in the bag year after year, but somehow I hang on to them one more year. Then, one year, it's just time for them to be gone. No question.
I find that fascinating about myself. I wonder if it's true for all of us.
I hang on to things, people, places and ideas for so long--and then, one day, I'm ready to let go. And I wonder why I held on so long. I am suddenly ready to move on. I just wasn't ready before, although I can't articulate how or when or why my hands (mind, heart) finally opened.
What are you holding on to, not quite able to toss into the bag yet? What did you finally let go of this year, this week?
Is there anything that needs to be purged for this new season of your life?
Bags and Bags... changes bring new wardrobes at various stages of life! Yes,,, each spring I have many clothes bought when feeling a certain way, only to now see that I really won't wear that particular item again. It's OK - it's what we needed at the moment it's bought, and then that moment passes. Purged - - yes, purged a wardrobe that was meant for stage, bring on the camaflage jeans and baseball cap - - I'm ready for the weekend romps in the wilderness!!!! I love it when I see someone in Gillette wearing a dress I used to wear when my job deemed it or the stage asked for it! hahaha - - we are NOT alone!