--a new pair of shoes had given me a bloody heel, which stained the hem of my pants;
--my earlobe was bleeding from a cheap metal earring;
--days and days of nervous finger-picking had left most of my fingers scraped and raw;
--and, I over-squeezed the teeniest little blemish on my face, leaving an oozing red blood blister.
And I didn't care.
If I had run into anyone outside, I would have stayed and chatted head-on as the occasion called for instead of pretending to get a phone call or strategically turning my face to expose my unblemished side.
I guess I've just been too tired to care lately. Either that, or I feel older. Two years ago, or even last year, all I cared about was looking good. Now, I still try to look good, but I just don't put the same amount of time and energy into it. And I feel much more free. Why try to hide my humanity?
I have a challenge for you. Give yourself a blemish. Not literally. I mean, dare to let some raw, real part of yourself see daylight. If you're bleeding, let it show instead of smearing it over with cover-up. Then take a step back and get some perspective. There are so many facets to daily human existence--do you really have the energy to fret over the assumed perception that you have both invented and yet also fear to face?

haha.... funny because we all surely go thru this, especially when we've others to attend to and it leaves little time for ourselves. Getting older is much the same - we can't cover the age spots, the wrinkles, the yellowing teeth and eyes. I do know that looking around I see many others that are just as human. Go Figure! haha I love this story cause it reminds me of ME. and yet I know I don't look at others with the same microscope, so I've tried hard not to use it on me anymore also. Love your challenge today.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I'm getting over that kind of stuff more and more. I can walk around with "human" imperfections and not be totally derailed when I run into someone else. It does make me enjoy the times (rare moment actually) when I have a clear face, I'm put together, my hair isn't flying away everywhere... and I can just get dressed and leave the house looking impossibly fresh. I wish I could have that confidence all the time, but I guess that takes practice. :)