But it did get me thinking.
If you look up the word "beauty" in the Merriam Webster dictionary, it reads: "the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit".
So no, in that sense you cannot redefine beauty. As the adage goes, it takes a different form in the eye of every beholder.
But then you look down and see this: "a beautiful person or thing; especially : a beautiful woman". So in the dictionary, "beauty" is essentially connected to women.
If you do a Google image search for "beautiful women", which I don't recommend, you will see hundreds of light-skinned women in sexy poses with body parts bursting out of their skimpy clothes. For real. That's how beauty has been defined based on how people in society have refined the search database.
Then you add modifiers, like beautiful black women, or beautiful Asian women, and you see basically the same thing. Mostly light-skinned women in sexy poses and skimpy (or no) clothes.
It's really, really sad. It makes my heart hurt for young girls.
And when you do a search for images of beautiful men, you get lots and lots of muscled nakedness. Really gross.
Why does a search for beauty lead to sex? It's pretty horrifying that the word "beautiful" can only link to one kind of image on a Google search. Boobs on women, muscles on men. Nudity in both cases.
We need to start tagging the words "beauty" and "beautiful" onto other kinds of images so the Google landscape can change. Images like these:







Young, old, man, woman, flat, dirty, dark, round, stringy, kinky...it's all beautiful by definition to someone. It's all God's creation, having been called "good" by God, therefore fitting the definition of beauty.
Start tagging pictures of everyday people living life with the "beauty" label, and let's see if we can redefine beauty for a world obviously searching for it.
So True..... and our children see what you discovered and think they may not be too pretty if they can't look a certain way.... damaging. I loved the pictures you just posted and they are all beautiful!!!