I began this blog as a way to redefine, or perhaps rediscover, the beauty of ME after losing all my hair to alopecia universalis over 5 years ago. Join me in the movement to see ourselves and our world through a lens not offered by our culture.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

30 Days of Redefining Beauty: Day 4

Today I was struck by the beauty of what can happen when you open yourself up to people. A new friend spontaneously asked if she could hang out with me and my kids this afternoon, even though we haven't known each other very long. I was so glad she asked! We had a great time getting to know each other better.

Later this evening I met a great group of people from an organization called Traffick Free, as my husband was hosting a meeting in our home (which is why I was out for awhile with my kids and my new friend). After being at church this morning, attending a baby shower after church, getting to know a new friend this afternoon, and then meeting new people in my house tonight, you would think I would be exhausted right now.

The old me would have been. I used to see social encounters as barriers to my own free time. I dreaded going out; parties drained me. But now I get so refreshed and energized by being in community, whether new or familiar, that I would seriously consider communal living. I'm not kidding. There is something so freeing about learning how to be myself around people, even people I am meeting for the first time, and expecting that I will enjoy their company...and that they will enjoy mine. I never used to believe I had it in me to be social. But I see myself as part of the group now, whereas I used to be a wallflower.

What about you--are you drained or refreshed by social activity? Do you see community as a beautiful, organic thing, or simply a necessary part of living in this world?


  1. I've heard this thing called "Social Butterfly" and have often been called that - I do know of the energy you can gain from being and interacting with others... and so glad you are trying it on! There are still moments when we prefer to step aside, be alone to our own thoughts.... for those moments should be kept to a minimal. Enjoy your new shoes LOL

  2. I guess it depends on the people and the activity for me. There are some people that do drain me. I don't want them out of my life, but I find myself dreading a planned dinner or activity. Other times, I have such a great time with other people that I'm literally sad to see it end.
