*When you meet up with a good female friend, what is the first thing you comment on?
*When you see a female acquaintance in the office, or an elevator, or on the train, what do you say to them?
*When you are standing in line at the grocery store with a complete female stranger, do you feel compelled to say something? About what?
If you are like me, you could answer each question by saying "I compliment her on some aspect of her appearance, usually clothes." I can't tell you how many times I have recently caught myself (or another woman within earshot) compliment another woman on something she is wearing.
"Nice sweater. Where'd you get it?"
"Ooh, I love those shoes. Where'd you get them?"
"Those earrings look great on you. Are they homemade?"
And it goes on.
Why do we do this? Male readers, if you are still reading this, how would you answer those questions? Do you feel the need to comment on other men's clothing and accessories? Somehow, I doubt it.
So why do women do it? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that women care about building each other up--at least on the surface. I have enjoyed being on the receiving end of such comments. Most recently I have gotten tons of comments on this great headcovering my sister got me for Christmas (I think it's officially called a "snood"):

I wonder if people think I am trying to get compliments. After all, the huge flower on the side of my head clearly wants to be noticed. I choose my apparel and accessories carefully, and when people compliment me on my choice of color or my skill in coordinating patterns, I feel validated.
Is that why I similarly compliment other women on their appearance? Is it because I recognize the struggle to step out of the house with the perfect blend of confidence, comfort and identity that most women aim for when they get dressed?
Or are women just silly? Why can't we stop ourselves from constantly saying "Nice sweater", thus perpetuating the myth that women are valued for looks and not much more? Of course, when we are first meeting someone or just crossing paths, we comment on the only possible point of connection--besides the weather, maybe.
I don't know why it's been bothering me lately. Every time I give, or hear, a compliment of this sort, a voice inside me screams, "There's so much more to her/me!" Should I just relax about it? Or should we occasionally find an alternative way to build a bridge connecting our island to this other person's island, opening up endless possibilities of further connection and communication?
Any ideas?
I think we tend to comment first on the physical appearance, because at first meeting, what else is there to comment on? It's an icebreaker using something we know right off the bat. Then we can go on with a conversation and learn more about this new person, getting ammo to comment on something deeper later on! :)