I began this blog as a way to redefine, or perhaps rediscover, the beauty of ME after losing all my hair to alopecia universalis over 5 years ago. Join me in the movement to see ourselves and our world through a lens not offered by our culture.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Poster Child for Nothing

Do you have any idea how many adventures I shy away from just because I can't imagine myself doing them bald?

I went camping in Wyoming the summer before last, and the thought that consumed me for days beforehand was "How will I keep up my looks?" By "looks" I mean a covered head, eyebrows and eyeliner. My husband and I are half-heartedly thinking about anniversary trips for this summer, and every time a possible location is brought up, I can only think about how the pictures will look with "bald me" in them. I don't want to see "bald me" waking up from a night in a tent to go on a sunrise hike, doing water sports, dancing in a Paris square, or any other activity that I have seen in poster ads or Instagram pics.

Because the pictures look like this:



No matter how comfortable I am with my baldness in my daily life, I may always have a problem with these images of women doing exciting and lovely things...with hair. They look feminine, natural, healthy...and I don't. Can you imagine any of these images with a bald woman in them? 

Let's see if I can find any: 

Here's a cute one in Rome-


And that's about all I can find. I'm sure a more thorough search would produce more, but a quick Google Images search didn't turn up many pictures of bald woman being adventurous, sporty, sexy, or romantic. 

I don't want my alopecia to stop me from enjoying life. I don't want a vacation to go undocumented because I hate how I look on camera with no hair and no makeup. I don't want to decide where I go based on how appropriate or inappropriate my scarves would look. 

But, that's where I am right now. Travel is different when I have to think about whether to pack a wig and how I would keep it from getting misshapen. 

What is your biggest travel worry?


  1. Tattoo time!!!

    I think you would feel completely different if you woke up with at least eyebrows and eyeliner. Something that wouldn't wash off while playing in the ocean. :)

  2. This will be my first summer with alopecia universalis and I am very afraid. I am afraid of what to do with my bald head when it is so warm out. I am afraid of my eyebrows coming off and no eyelashes to make me look alive. I am secretly dreading my most favorite season of the year and feel so sad.

    1. Ugh, it's a horrible feeling. I know. I recommend a visor scarf: http://www.headcovers.com/10802/brooke-scarf-visor/
      These are cool and shade the face and look cute! I like mine.
      Have you tried eyebrows from http://www.beauti-full-brows.com/ ? They are temporary tattoos and make me feel more secure than just pencil.
