I began this blog as a way to redefine, or perhaps rediscover, the beauty of ME after losing all my hair to alopecia universalis over 5 years ago. Join me in the movement to see ourselves and our world through a lens not offered by our culture.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Contentment Challenge--Day 6

Lately, I have been feeling too small. I want to take photographs, but all I have is my little iPhone. I want to host big parties, but I can only get a couple people to come. I want to be a creative writer and get more readership for my blog, but it remains more like a journal for myself and a few faithful readers (thank you!). 

I have a small life, but at the end of the day I must actually want that, since I don't take steps to go above and beyond. I suppose I could put myself out there and find a job that put me in a position to help a lot of people. I could buy a new camera and study some photography books, maybe take some classes, and really develop my skills (pun intended). I could submit my blog to various blogger groups and spend money trying to promote it. 

But I would rather spend my time reading great books, meeting friends for lunch, playing My Little Pony Monopoly with my daughter, teaching English to an Ethiopian refugee, etc. Those are the moments that make me feel alive and content. So I need to stop dreaming about how "large" my life could be and get my magnifying glass out on the life I actually have. 

I am content with my grainy iPhone pictures, because they reflect my ability to capture beauty while I'm on the go. I am content with my little parties, because the planning process is fun and makes the party enjoyable for whoever does come. I am content with this blog because it has been important for me to process my hair loss, regardless of the size of my readership. 

So, are you content with the "size" of your life?

(Have you been enjoying this challenge? For more a extensive challenge to find contentment each day, check out the 100 Happy Days challenge if you haven't already seen it.) 


  1. I love these thoughts! Keeping life small and simple makes it more content around us. Sure, we look outside our box and think "Maybe I should be doing that",,, but at the end of the day, I'm glad I'm warm and safe in my home with my simple life! Trophies get dust on them, money gets spend. mmmmmmmmm just thinking! LOL -- MOM

  2. Interesting thoughts Wendy. I don't know if we ever completely stop wondering "if there's more to life!" But ....I continue to pray that in all I do, no matter how big or small, that I reflect Christ. We may never know the seed we planted in the child we read a story to or the coffee shared with that special someone, or opening your heart to a person in need. Everyone has a battle of some kind they are fighting. We just need to be open armed to welcome them into our life. I love who you were, who you are and the beautiful woman you are becoming. <3 Ruth
